What are Sea Turtles?

Sea Turtles are in the Animal Kingdom. They are reptiles and are included in the Testundines order because they have shells. These shells are not exoskeletons but are modified ribcages that support the vertebral column. The suborder Cryptodira refers to the turtles ability to maneuver their head and neck into its shell. However, sea turtles have lost the ability to be better adapted for the ocean. The shells of sea turtles are flattened compared to other testundines and their feet have been lengthened. Thus, they are better adapted to increase their swimming ability. 

Below, I've listed the eight species of Sea Turtles most scientists recognize:

1. Green- Chelonia mydas
2. Black (also know as Eastern Pacific green turtle)- Chelonia agassizi
3. Loggerhead- Caretta caretta
4. Kemp's Ridley- Lepidochelys kempii
5. Olive Ridley- Lepidochelys olivacea      
6. Hawksbill- Eretmochelys imbricata
7. Flatback- Natator depressus
8. Leatherback- Dermochelys coriacea (Dermochelyidae family)

Please note: The first name listed is their common name. The capitalized and italicized name is the genus and the last italicized name is the specific species. They genus and species name makes up the animals scientific name. 


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